This is an academic bachelor project for Architectural Studio V and it is located in west side of Tehran area, Iran. In this region most residential complexes have low diversity (especially in height) and are like concrete boxes beside each other and the residents are gradually depressed and bored. The aim of this project is creation of a lively and vibrant space with diverse forms according to Iranian genuine culture.
I chose the applied principles of Persian Gardens as the design concept in which the form of apartments are inspired by garden trees.
Patterns of Persian Gardens. left to right:
-   The building is in the middle space and the garden entrance is placed on the main horizontal axis in front of the building.
-   The building is placed in the middle third of garden space.
-   The building is at the upper end of the garden.
Water is an important element in Persian Gardens both in design and maintenance. The distance between building and trees is ornamented with water fountains that are streamed by the natural incline of the land and regardless of its intrinsic beauty, it creates the desired atmosphere.
Following is an example of a historical Persian Garden, Shazdeh, and my inspiration in design:t
Left: Shazdeh Garden near Mahan, Iran. Via 1843mag
Right: Shazdeh Garden aerial photo. Via Reza Mir
Plan and section of Shazdeh garden, Mahan, Kerman, Iran
In this project, I used water in form of channels and fountains both to irrigate plants in the complex area and to cool the air inside apartments in Tehran's dry heat. The shape of lengthwise water channel is inspired by consolidation of one of old Tehran's road. There are several branches from the main water channel that each pours in a pool of the central lobby of apartments.
Left: Site plan and section. The land incline is used for water circulation.
Right: 4 apartment types which I designed for the complex.
Site plan perspective
I designed a wind-catcher like system that is installed above central lobby so that the air cooled by water, ascends through central void and cools and refreshes this environment. Finally the hot air exits from roof and the cycle continues. 
Natural ventilation diagram in buildings
Site plan perspective
The apartment levels instead of relying on upright force, state in a horizontal position and every floor has a special form and position relative to the other floor. The internal building design is modern and based on soft and natural lines which provide flexibility and privacy at the same time.
Conceptual Physical Model (first level)
Hand drawing furnished plans: 3 bedroom apartment unit plan an section perspective A-A / Interior design
Hand drawing furnished plans: 3 bedroom apartment unit plan an section perspective B-B / Interior design
Hand drawing furnished plans: 2 bedroom apartment unit plan an section perspective B-B / Interior design
Hand drawing furnished plans: 1 bedroom apartment unit plan an section perspective B-B / Interior design
B.Sc. Architectural studio V, IAU South Tehran Branch | Spring 2007
Title: Residential Complex
Location: Tehran (District 22), Iran
Supervisor: Dr. Karimabadi
Design, Drawings, Visuals and Mock-up: Aida Shafei

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