According to World Tourism Organization Iran is rated 5 for natural attractions and 10 for historical-ancient ones. Qeshm Island in the Strait of Hormuz is known for wide range of ecotourism attractions like Hara sea forest and sea corals. In consideration of extending tourism industry in Qeshm Island and based on its potentials as a free zone, I decided to design a Recreational Tourist Complex for my bachelor thesis project.
Qeshm Island, Southern Iran. Sources: NASA, TUBS
Nature, culture and native people of Qeshm Island. This video was made for presentation introduction.
This project is implemented in both phases of residential complex and recreational parts which includes a three-star hotel, commercial/sport complex and landscape design. Only the hotel structure is designed in details.
Design concept inspirations:
•    Shapes and performance mechanism of local sea creatures
•    Optimal use of the existing energy resources
•    Special history and climate of the island
South east perspective of hotel building
Marine animals as conceptual inspirations
Site plan and the location of building towards shore
Aerial view south east of the building
Aerial view north west of the building
The hotel building is divided to residential and service areas. The residential area is in the south side of the building looking over the sea including rooms, room services and restaurant. The service area is in the north side with employee sections, housekeeping and other service parts, fitness salon and billiard room. Central atrium is situated between these areas and includes hotel lobby and reception desk.
Section A-A
Hotel building plans and section
North west perspective of hotel building
Since the project is coastal with hot and humid weather and the dominant wind blowing from Persian Gulf, volumes are shaped aerodynamically in which the air can be ducted easily and cause the least wind friction. Also, the light reflection reduction and creating twilight on curved planes that absorb less sun heat energy are considered.
Aerodynamic shape of the hotel decreases wind friction.
Heat transfer reduction by using curved planes which create twilight.
South east perspective of landscape
To use the optimal cool blowing of coastal wind which is predominant in the island, I designed a roof terrace inspired by the form of manta ray mouth shape when hunting. Not to mention, the air suction system of traditional Wind Catchers in hot regions of Iran are utilized in mechanism respectively. The pleasant cool coastal wind is sucked into the terrace and exits from gill like slots (grooves) fixed on the ceiling and some parts of walls. The air flow passing the slots automatically creates suction and increase in wind speed. Also, visitors can enjoy other nice sceneries specifically the view of Persian Gulf sky at night time.
Roof terrace
•    Using coastal wind for refrigerating roof terrace area.
•    Using reflected sun light to grow plants in the central atrium and creating a natural eco-system.
North west perspective of hotel building
South west perspective of hotel building
Super frame system is used in the structure, i.e. 2 concrete rigid cores with console slabs and the combination of upright rigid panels. Also, building shell is double hulled so firstly, some of the building utility passes through and secondly, there are wind-catch elements between the shells that create tension.
West elevation of hotel building.
Structure idea
following diagrams represent other sustainable approaches of the project including shape, roof opening design above central atrium, southern balcony form, color and materials.
Shading structure designed above roof opening blocks direct sunlight while providing reflected natural light in the central atrium.
Lexan Thermoclick Sheets which are used in central facade openings provide energy efficiency such as: UV protected outer surface, light transmission and light diffusion properties, thermal insulation properties, high impact strength and breakage resistance along with simple installation.
Create shadow on windows by continuing roofs and walls on surface to avoid direct sun light.
Facade white color decreases sun heat transition.
Using 3D panels with double-wall construction in the body of structure: weatherproof, soundproof, earthquake-resistant
Project mock-up is mainly handmade using different technics and materials. To build the hotel building I used polystyrene cased in plaster to form the body and metal strings, iron balls and woodwork to add details. For the platform I used laser cut Plexiglas assembled on a wooden base. 
Project mock-up photos from North-East (Top) and South-East (down) view of hotel building.
Different views and detailed photos from both landscape and building mock-up.
North-East view of hotel building mock-up.
B.Sc. Thesis Project in Architectural Engineering, IAU South Tehran Branch | Summer 2009
Title: Recreational tourist complex
Location: Qeshm Island, Iran
Supervisors: Engr. Omidvar & Dr. Karimifard
Design, Drawings, Visuals and Mock-up: Aida Shafei
In tributes to Zaha Hadid, queen of the curve and my constant inspiration.

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