In this credit, I designed a public building in a coastal city in south of Iran which was comprised of four zones: administrative, commercial, cultural and gathering zones. Octagon is the main conceptual form and it is influenced by my observation during study about aboriginal culture and traditional architecture of the region. The whole scheme is plunged into light and the height arrangement of the buildings are rhythmic and based on the functionality of each zone. The project is presented by AutoCad.
North elevation
Site plan
From left: 1st Floor Plan, 2nd and 3rd Floor Plan, 4th Floor Plan
East elevation
West elevation
Section A-A
B.Sc. Architectural studio III, IAU South Tehran Branch | Spring 2006
Title: Public Building
Location: Bandar-e Abbās, Iran
Supervisor: Dr. Ameri
Design, CAD Drawings: Aida Shafei

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