"Space and Light" was one of those unique courses in the architectural department of EPFL, and was built to improve the students’ ability to see, plan and design light with focusing on visual comfort and energy concerns.
The course was undertaken in a group of three. Each group of students chose a specific area of an existing industrial building in Geneva, Switzerland. As it is shown in the following building plan, we chose part of the corridor in front of entrance including a self service cafeteria and waiting area. The main function of this area is guiding visitors to the other locations therefore, the need of illumination is not too high, which corresponds to 80-100 lux. Also we chose south orientation for openings to provide sufficient illumination during day.
Considered design context -Bat 43, La Praille, Geneva. 
The topics were vary between daylighting principles and associated challenges, visual comfort requirements, artificial lighting strategies and design and testing of a combined lighting project. to simulate, analyse and verify designs tools such as  DIAL, LIGHTSOLVE and RELUX were used. In this portfolio only the design concept and LIGHTSOLVE analysis are presented.
Please see the full project including DIAL and RELUX analysis from the published book on ISSUU: Space & Light (p. 25-40)
Hand drawing for bare shed in a sunny day (12 pm, spring).
The idea was to create a welcoming, dynamic and surprising atmosphere using light as raw material and to make hierarchy between spaces according to their function. An adaptable system to the different spatial configurations in which changes based on orientation and usage. We wanted to produce a contrast of light along the route to increase the curiosity of visitors. 
On the windows, we can even apply colored film to obtain projections of the same color and generate pleasant environments, dynamic or calm as needed. Also, using bright color on the dark side of the internal wall, reflects the light and highlights the contrast. 
Shading design details and its stereographic sun path diagram.
The adopted lighting system makes it possible to control direct sunlight. We used an aluminum panel with rectangular shape holes in different dimensions and fixed glass installed to the inner side of holes to filter light.
The rays of light passing through the openings and projecting onto the wall or on the floor, depending on the different times of the day and the year, and produce playful compositions of shapes.
Sunlight penetration at various dates and times of day.
Lightsolve analysis
Lightsolve is a full year, climate-based daylighting simulation developed by LIPID EPFL for academic and research purposes. It provides illuminance values in qualitative and quantitative terms inside buildings and gives architects the opportunity to control glare and solar gains over the specific days and years to emphasize architectural concepts.
Lightsolve analysis interface, displaying both temporal maps and related spatial renderings during noon in late winter.
Sketchup model, different internal view of the cafeteria and waiting area towards west (top) and east (down) during late morning in winter.
The requirements to create an adequate lighting environment for waiting area and cafeteria are determined by a range of values. In the waiting area the minimum required illuminance correspond to 300 lux so that people feel comfortable reading magazine and rest for a few minutes. In the cafeteria as well, minimum illuminance level to see perfectly what we eat and drink is 800 lux. Considering the spatial configuration, it is not relevant to define a maximum illuminance value for waiting area. However, in cafeteria we should be careful about heat, glare and visual discomfort therefore the maximum illuminance level is set to 3000 lux. So we expect not to see any discomforted signals on the glare map.
Sketchup model, different internal view of the cafeteria and waiting area.
Time-varied renderings of view towards south facing windows under intermediate sky conditions.
Time-varied renderings of top view under intermediate sky conditions.
Temporal illuminance map for cafeteria:
The illuminance condition in cafeteria when the shed facing south is good most of the time (yellow area). However, the maximum illuminance required to eat comfortably is not reached during midday at early fall. It can be explained by this fact that the sun radiations in fall are not so strong compared with summer and the color changes is not really an issue (light orange area).
Temporal illuminance map for waiting area:
The illuminance map shows that the the waiting area receives an acceptable amount of light of 300 lux most of the year (yellow area). So, the space receives an appropriate amount of light for this spatial configuration and mainly needs a complement of artificial light in the early morning and late afternoon.
Temporal glare map of the cafeteria when shed facing south:
The temporal glare conditions we consider here concerns the most disadvantageous case, that is to say, when the shed is facing south. As the temporal map shows, despite define high glare for cafeteria sensor, the glare conditions were reached. However, there are some moments of the year mainly in early spring and late fall that the glare can make uncomfortable sense on people.
According to results of illuminance and glare, we can consider that the performance objectives were reached and the shed is conceived to limit direct lighting and consequent glare and appreciate the visual effects, aesthetic and possible comfort issues produced for a range of sky and sun conditions.
M.Sc. Space and light: the lighting project, EPFL | Winter 2011
Title: Lightsolve Analysis
Supervisors: Dr. Bernard PauleProf. Marilyne Andersen
Group members: Ayda Shafei, Giulia Chiariotti, Alice Priesig
Project location: Geneva, Switzerland
ISSUU published book: Space & Light Pages 25-40
Software: SketchUp & Lightsolve plugin

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